I didn't know what else to call it. It's pretty much exactly like
37Signals' Basecamp, except I need it to be free. In fact, Basecamp is free too, except with a very limited feature-set. It may just be enough though.. I don't know.
I'm in a group of seven, and we are writing a 50-page paper on "free trade, fair trade and poor nations" and right now, all our communication is based on email. This means that one person will send an email to the six other people involved. Then the six other people will use REPLY TO ALL and reply with their two cents to that email.. so we are sending emails back and forth in quantities that remind me of the amount of water molecules the see moves back and forth in a cycle of ebb & flow. We need a kind of service, like Basecamp, that will let us communicate with the group easily, schedule meetings and such.. and be efficient at it all. A small forum would be great too.
Any ideas?
I haven't checked out Basecamp yet so it may actually be exactly what we're looking for.. let me know what you think.