Dumb move on their part doing that documentary IMO. Dropping the gauntlet is seldom a wise move when confronting a government or law enforcement unless you have the general public at least 90% behind you.
Far smarter would have been to set up a
totally separate PR 'front' to handle their publicity.
That's the way professional revolutionaries handle it. Having your own separate press office allows you to get your message out there while still maintaining plausible deniability in the event something goes south - or you get set up in a classic
agent provocateur scenario by a government or corporation.
It's also not a good idea to show up in public
at all any more. Especially since you can now be arrested, held indefinitely without charges or legal counsel, interrogated at will, bled dry, and then quietly flushed down a toilet once you've exhausted your limited usefulness. And all without anyone being the wiser, or able to help you.
And if you think
that's bad, just imagine how much worse it will be if they arrest you
in one the non-Western democracies.There
are much worse things than dying. And there are people who can do all of them to you.
So don't insist on making yourself an easy target. And if you do, remember the wisdom of the poet:
Servo permaneo bovis provestri!