I have a website at
www.worumba.comIf I point at an image, which is supposed to link to
www.worumba.com/artwork/art.html, I see this address in the status bar. However, clicking the image takes me to :
http://brendarco.ru/original/index.phpI'm sure this arises from me originally adding an htaccess file, making the default somefile.html instead of default.html or index.html.
I set the permissions to 644. In the last few days, this file got changed (not by me) and hence the current problem.
Ive deleted the htaccess file, I've tried replacing it with first a blank htaccess file, then a file with just a redirect for 404 errors, in case blank htaccess files didnt even get "looked at". However none of these fix the problem of redirection to a russian domain.
If I search for "worumba" in google, one of the returned links shows as
www.worumba.stuff, but clicking it takes me to
http://maildigi.ru/snipe/index.phpMy 2 obvious questions are (a) how to fix this mess and (b) since the problem originated with my htaccess file (I think), what permission apart from 644 should I have used to prevent this happening in the future?
Thanks for reading this