I do this about once a year or less (and struggle each time with it):
Help says:
By default, after you add one object or text box, you will switch into object editing mode. If you want to draw many arrows at once you can find options for this in the preferences dialog.In Preferences, I found the option
Switch to object selection mode after a new object is insertedI deselected that - I made a new screenshot & it works.
I can create loads of arrows.
But now I cant get into edit mode... aha, found it - if I close the arrow panel and reopen it I'm in edit mode again and but now I cant get back into create mode again.
So how do I (easily) move between creating an object and editing it and back to creating an object?
With apologies - I'm figuring this out as I go along -
Sort-of Solution]
I have to click on the White cursor with the red Opera style "O" icon to toggle edit and create modes - I still find this incredibly confusing as there is no visual indication (that I can see) that tells me which mode I'm in.
I just keep clicking that and the arrow icon and eventually I get one mode or the other...
I click on arrow icon, and check which mode it's in by trying it out.
Okay, the best I can find is to click on the white arrow - if it says "select mode" I can select an object - if it's an arrow, the arrow 'pane' will open.
If I click it again, nothing shows, if I then click on e.g. Arrow icon, I can create new arrows.
If I'm missing something please let me know