Dear Santa
I am using Win7-64
Scenario- in Explorer (Computer), when you plug in a USB divice with a drive letter, an icon appears with name and drive letter, when you unplug, it disappears. Effectively you see what is available.
Now to the issue - Network Locations. There are two ways of adding Network Locations
A/Mapping a Network drive (This provides a drive letter)
B/Add a Network Location (No drive letter)
In A, when a location is unavailable we get a red cross against the icon
In B, from what I have seen so far the icon, a folder connected to the network, does not change
Ideally they should act in the same way as External drives and dis sapear when not available (though retaining their mapping so they appear on connection)
Why do i use my system this way? Having multiple external drives, can be a drain on available drive letters, in fact you can run out
, so by mounting them in folders and don't allocate drive letters, and am therefore not limited by the alphabet. Secondary advantage is i can share these mappings on the network so other computers see them as I do, which means when certain cataloguing programs are run from any machine, they will update without issue. If drive letters are used, each machine can end up with different mappings dependant on what else they have installed.
Solution a util that automatically hides unused locations, and makes visible when available. Though I have a feeling it may not be possible ?