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Author Topic: [GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum  (Read 39593 times)


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[GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum
« on: March 20, 2006, 10:44 AM »
Post here in this thread only tips and tuts please.
Use >this other thread< for comments.

found at
is a lttle tool from Mister 'Nakashima Tomoaki' for to store more than one item in the clip board.
You must not install it (just unpackt) and there is no registry access,
all settings are stored in simple plain text files (INIs) and binary *.dat files  :Thmbsup:

New: Source code translation to English ===> http://www.ghisler.c...15260&highlight=

Description from the home page:
CLCL is clipboard caching utility.
  • All clipboard formats
  • are supported.
  • Template can be registered.
  • Pop-up menu is displayed by "Alt+C."
  • Menu can be customized.
  • Item is paste automatically.
  • Picture is displayed on a menu.
  • Tool tip is displayed on a menu.
  • The format to leave and the format to save can be set up.
  • The ignored window can be set up.
  • The paste key for every window can be set up.
  • Function is extensible with plug-in.
  • freeware (even the source code *.c is available)
A screenshot of CLCL
CLCL Ver 1.1.2 (02/11/2005)

English version
clcl112_eng.exe (size 181 KB) (self extracting zip archive, no advantage over the zip itself) (size 145 KB)   (just unpack)

How to use CLCL:

- Download the .exe and double click on it to extract the files
  or use the zip archive and just unpack it.

- Then start the CLCL.exe.
- So you get a "general.ini" which stores all of your settings for CLCL, there are no Registry settings.

- Also you get an new subfolder called as your windows login name. There CLCL stores the saved
  clip board item of the last days.

- in the lower right corner of your screen, near the clock, you see the icon of CLCL
clcl_003 TNA.png

- if you move your mouse over this icon and press the LEFT mouse button you will see the "Viewer"-window

- with the RIGHT mouse button you will see the histories of your last clipboard items
and you see you could access "Templates", what we will look over later
clcl_005 history.png

to be continued...

Post here in this thread only tips and tuts please.

Use >this other thread< for comments.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2007, 09:02 AM by AbteriX »


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Re: CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2006, 10:46 AM »
Rainer Zufall hat folgendes geschrieben::
z.B. Templates
wie benennnen, wie mit Hotkey versehen


> wie Templates benennnen,
- Viewer öffnen
- rechte Mausklick auf einen Template-Eintrag
- "Rename" auswählen

> wie Templates mit Hotkey versehen
- Viewer öffnen
- rechte Mausklick auf einen Eintrag
- "Set Hot key" auswählen



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Re: [GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2006, 11:57 PM »
CLCL can also be expanded by installing some plugins which are available on the page itself.
[GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum

btw, Mr. Nakashima is also the author of nPOP, a tiny but effective POP3 email checker... sorry, off-topic. ;)


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Re: [GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2006, 05:58 AM »
Lesson 1

Change the  left/right mouse button action of the tray icon.

I'd like to use an left mouse click to open the historie list ,  instead of the viewer.

So we open the Options... now

- left click on the tray icon, the Viewer appears
- choose "View | Options.."

- right click on the tray icon
- choose "Options..."

In the Options go to the "Actions"-tab
and double click on "Viewer - Click on left...."

Now select in the "Call type"-drop down "Click on right for system tray"
than  click on [OK]

Do the same for the second entry "Menu"

but select "Click on left for system tray"
than  click on [OK]

Now you can access the historie with an left mouse click on the tray icon.


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Re: [GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2006, 06:03 AM »
Lesson 2

Use templates

Copy (or wrote) the text you want as template:

Open the Viewer...

Drag and (copy)drop the item you want to the template sub folder:
or use the context menu as alternative:
or the shortcut Ctrl+R

Now you could do a few things from the context menu
if you do a right mouse-button click on an template item:
- add a new sub folder to the template folder
- remane the items (or use F2)
- assign an hot key to insert an template quickly
- arrange the items with drag and drop (hold the CTRL-key to copy)

Now you have create items in the Template folder
« Last Edit: March 21, 2006, 11:18 AM by AbteriX »


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Re: [GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2006, 06:04 AM »
Lesson 3

Assign hotkeys to launch the historie and the templates pop-up

The standard hotkey to launch the historie of your recent clip board item is ALT+C.
I like to have Win+V to reach this pop-up.

So we go to the Option... and the Action-tab
and double click on "Menu            Alt + C"


In the hotkey field we enter 'Win+V' , i.e.
- select the 'Hot key:' field
- and press the Win-key and the V-key the same time:


Now we gonna add an new action our self.
Please click the [Add..]-button in the Action window:
03 add.png

- Choose for Action => Menu
- Choose for Call type => Ctrl + Ctrl
- click on [New content] to activate this item
- select 'Template' from the drop down

If you want you can even choose an sub folder
from your templates
for to see the items from this sub folder only as pop-up

Now we can access our pop-up by pressing the Ctrl-key twice

Now you could create different short cuts for different template-sub-folders.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2006, 10:57 AM by AbteriX »


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Re: [GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2006, 09:51 AM »
Lesson 4

Build you own pop-up menu

- Options...
- _[Action]_
- double click on "Menu        Win+V"    (or "Menu  Alt+C" if you didn't followed Lesson 1)
- click once on [New content]
- choose "Pop-up Menu" at Content: field
- wrote "&Older ones" in the Title: field
- ( use "Icon Path" and "Icon Index" if you want to see an other icon )



- click once on [New content]
- choose "History()" at Content: field
- click on the UP-ARROW at the left bottom to move this new item up... till it's an sub menu of "&Older ones"
- choose 10-0 at the "Range of Indication:" field


- click on "&Older ones" to select this
- click on the UP-ARROW at the left bottom to move this item up... till it's under the first "History" item
- select the first "History" item
- choose 0-9 at the "Range of Indication:" field

- now you see only the last 9 clipboard items
- you can choose them by pressing a number from 1 till 9
- if you press "o" plus a number from 1 till 9 you can access the next nine items

Note that this settings are only set for the Win+V pop-up menu.

Now you can make a few other sub pop-ups for the clipboard items 19-27 (modify "Older ones"
to show 10-18 only instead of 10-0)
Be shure to use 9ner steps: 0-9, 10-18, 19-27, 28-36 to be able to access the items by a key from your keyboard.
05 002.png   06.png


Now you have your items such nice sorted
you can store more items by increase the amount
in the "Maximum numbers of item:" field  :D


There are more things you can add to your own pop-up window:
* use "Option", "Cancel" and "Exit" - to add this buttons to your pop-up window.
* use "Clipboard Watch" to add an kind off On/Off button.
* use "External Application" to add.... well you already guess, right ?  ;D
« Last Edit: May 14, 2007, 02:00 PM by AbteriX »


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Re: [GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2006, 10:59 AM »
Lesson 5

Here you can build the look of your items in the pop-up.


In the half above you can set the size of the Picture preview and such things.


In the "Display format of menu:" you can build the look of your items in the pop-up.

Standard is &%1d. %t what means

&--->  the next char is an trigger
%1d.--->   use numbers and start from '1' , then print an dot
%t--->   show the fist few chars of the clip board item.
(adjustable with "Maximum width of menu". Be shure to set more then 50 here :)

&%1d. %t
&%1d. &%t

If you add an '&' char in front of %t you can access the item by his first char too.

&%1d. %t
&%d. %t

If you delete the number '1' bevor the 'd' the numbering of your item starts from '0'.
So your items can be numbered from '0' to '9'. You could access one more then with '1' to '9'.

&%A. %t
If you like you can use charaters as trigger instead of numbers.. so you have 26 possiblies.

Click on the big arrow to see all the possiblies.


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Re: [GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2006, 11:37 AM »
Lesson 6

Adjust the Viewer window


- First, hmm, for "Toggle window" i don't know what should happen, i didn't  find it out :(

But i got an eMail from Robb Holmes who found it out:
"If "toggle" is checked, you can click on the tray icon to open the viewer, then click again to close it.
If "toggle" is not checked, clicking on the icon opens the viewer, but does not close it."
Thank you Robb  :Thmbsup:

- Second you can set how the (and which) "folders" should be expanded if you open the viewer.
- Then with "Display items...." you can set what kind of items should be shown in the viewer.
- And with "Default action...." you can decide what should happens if you double click an item.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2008, 04:16 PM by AbteriX »


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Re: [GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2006, 05:56 AM »
Little Update for Lesson 4 since i was asked in other forums.

Since i miss often older clipboard item
i increased the number of item's that CLCL should store:
00 options.png

To handle this large amount of stored items
i set up my pop-up menu's.

I go to "Options | Action | Menu    Click on left...."
01 viewer 1.png

- Now i set first "History()" to 0-10

- Add an Pop-Up as sub menu and called it &A Next ten (11-20)
   |__ add and set an second History() to 11-20

- Add an Pop-Up as sub menu and called it &B Next ten (21-30)
   |__ add and set an third History() to 21-30

- Add an Pop-Up as sub menu and called it &C Next 25 (31-56)
   |__ add and set an fourt  History() to 31-56

- Add an Pop-Up as sub menu and called it &D Older (from 57th -)
   |__ add and set an fifth History() to 57-
02 viewer.png

My pop-up looks like this:
03 pop-up.png
The first 10 items i can reach with the number keys 0,1,2... till 9.
The second 10 items i can reach by pressing the 'A'-key and then the 0,1,2... keys
The next by pressing the 'B'-key first...

Additional tip:
you can copy this "Menu    Click on left...." item,
see the [Copy]-button...
and give this new copy an other hotkey.
So i can reach this popup
from the tray icon by an left click
AND now by pressing the WIN-key and the 'V'-key the same time.
04 viewer ready.png

Post here in this thread only tips and tuts please.

Use >this other thread< for comments.

« Last Edit: April 13, 2006, 07:46 AM by AbteriX »


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Re: [GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2006, 07:39 AM »
Lesson 7

Add an Plugin to enable sound effects:

* go to "Options | Tool"
* press the [Add...] -button
01 add.png

* Click on [Browse...]
* and browse to your CLCL folder
* and select the tool_utl.dll (by double click or press on 'Open')
02 browse to tool_utl-dll.png
If you didn't allready download this plugins ....
.....point your internet browser to  ==>

* now you be asked for the function....
* select 'Play Sound'
03 choose Play Sound.png

* here you can set when this sound should be played
Please press on [OK] if you are ready.
03 when to play.png

* Now click on [Properties...]
04 edit properties.png

* and select an Sound you wanna hear, e.g. "C:\WINNT\Media\ding.wav"
05 choose a wav.png

Post here in this thread only tips and tuts please.

Use >this other thread< for comments.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2006, 07:47 AM by AbteriX »


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Re: [GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2008, 05:40 PM »
CLCL Plugin 

Auxiliary to the clipboard operations

Hierarchical History
Stack History
History queue
Forced copy
URI補完 Completion URI
Search engine
Consolidated clipboard
Choose History
Save History

The project side:
01Webside.png[GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum

02clip-ss_02.png[GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum

Sort your clips:
03Add-Subfolders-to-tray-menu-for-every-ten-items1.png[GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum
04Add-Subfolders-to-tray-menu-for-every-ten-items2.png[GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum
05Add-Subfolders-to-tray-menu-for-every-ten-items3.png[GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum
06clip-ss_01.png[GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum

Paste item number n
Paste-current-item-number-n.png[GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum

Save clip board to file
Save-Clipboard-to-file-with-the-first-few-chars-as-filename.png[GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum
Save-Clipboard-to-file-with-the-first-few-chars-as-filename2.png[GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum

Search word at xxx
Search-f.ex.-Google-for-Word-in-clip_board.png[GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum

Some explanation will follow (i hope)


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Re: [GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2008, 03:33 PM »
CLCL Plugin

Macro operation

Clipboard scripting language to perform the operation

    * WSH WSH script from operations
    * perl  Operate from scripting languages such as perl
    *  Operate from the console application

So it's only developing error or failure Bambang left.

(well, goggle translated)

The webside
01-webside.png[GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum

Create an script or batch like

ECHO %date% %time%


FormatTime, mydate , shortdate, yyyy.MM.dd,  HH:mm
clipboard = %mydate%

Load the DLL
Add the above created script as parameter
02-macroDLL.png[GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum

Add the macro in an Action
03-action.png[GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum

Execute the macro
04-action-execute.png[GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum

An kind of an result
05-result.png[GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum

Could all be improved, i agree  :-\
« Last Edit: February 19, 2008, 03:44 PM by AbteriX »


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Re: [GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2008, 03:25 PM »
I tried CLCL but I can't find a search option. How can I search for a word if I have 100 clips

There is no good Search-option in CLCL.

You could try this  plugin to search in VIEWER (History and Templates)

tool_find Ver 0.0.1 (2003/04/11)   from


Unpack and copy the tool_find.dll f.ex. to the CLCL-folder

Add this DLL to tools
For Find_next add an shortcut



Start the tool from menu. (the check-box is to search case sensitive)
Use the shortcut to find next.

Not comfortable, i agree.  ClipX is better there.  Or CHS ==>  >here<


Here is an res hacked to english version from icfu  ( Post is in german language, watch out for:  01.02.08, 15:50  => )
« Last Edit: May 22, 2008, 04:22 PM by AbteriX »


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Re: [GER/ENG] CLCL Clipboardmanager Forum
« Reply #14 on: October 30, 2012, 03:43 PM »
I have found this at
and just want to keep things together

Hi Roger,

Roger Johansson wrote:
> Roger Johansson wrote:

>>I tried installing the extra tools, or what they are.
>>Very confusing.

Yes, the tools are indeed confusing when you first try to use them. The
only way to figure out what the different options do is to tinker around
with the options, and check to see what has changed.

>>And the utl dll, what is that for? What formats should it be installed for?

> Trying to reply to myself. Probably for all formats. (?)

No, "tool_utl.dll" is not for all formats. Let me explain a bit, in
tutorial format, for the benefit of all

There are 2 types of plugin DLLs that can be used with CLCL, Format
plugins, and Tool plugins.

-Format Plugins-
Format plugins enable CLCL to capture and store additional clipboard
formats. Examples are "fmt_metafile.dll" and "fmt_rtf.dll", which allow
for Metafile and RTF clipboard support, respectively.

These format plugin DLLs can be configured as follows:

1) Download the additional Format plugins that you wish to use, from . These are listed right at
the bottom of the page. Currently 3 plugins to support Unicode
(fmt_unicode.dll), RTF (fmt_rtf.dll), and Metafiles (fmt_metafile.dll)
are available.

2) Left-click once on the CLCL system tray icon.

3) This will open the CLCL "Viewer" window. Click "View" on the menu bar, and select "Options".

4) The "CLCL - Options" dialog opens. Click to activate the "Format" tab.

5) Click the "Add..." button.

6) The "Edit of Clipboard Format" dialog box opens. Click the "Browse..." button.

7) Browse to the path containing the DLLs that you downloaded in Step 1.
Select the plugin DLL (e.g fmt_metafile.dll), and click "Open".

8) The "Select function header" dialog box opens. Click OK.

9) Click "OK" to close the "CLCL - Options" dialog box.

Your selected format plugin is now configured, and this format will be
picked up and stored whenever it is available on the clipboard.

Note that you can only select 1 plugin DLL in step 7 from the Open
dialog box. So, steps 5 to 8 need to be repeated for each format plugin
DLL that you wish to add.

-Tool Plugins-

The second category of CLCL plugins can be thought of as a set of tiny
utilities, called "tools" that perform one or more functions. A single
Tool plugin DLL can contain one or more tools, and each tool performs
one specific task, such as "Clear Clipboard" or "Clear History". The
steps to configure tool plugins, and a description of what the different
tools do is given below.

1) Download the Tool plugins that you wish to use, from . These are listed right at
the bottom of the page. Currently 2 plugins DLLs containing text
manipulation functions (tool_text.dll), and utilitity tools
(tool_utl.dll) are available.

2) Left-click once on the CLCL system tray icon.

3) This will open the CLCL "Viewer" window. Click "View" on the menu bar, and select "Options".

4) The "CLCL - Options" dialog opens. Click to activate the "Tool" tab.
Note that Tool plugins are configured on the "Tool" tab, while Format
plugins are configured on the "Format" tab.

5) Click the "Add..." button.

6) The "Edit of Tool" dialog is displayed. Click the "Browse..." button.

7) Browse to the path containing the DLLs that you downloaded in Step 1.
Select the plugin DLL (e.g tool_text.dll), and click "Open".

8) The "Select Tool" dialog opens up. This dialog displays all the tools
contained in the selected DLL. Select a tool and click OK. Note that you
cannot select multiple tools in this dialog.

9) Click OK to close the "Edit of Tool" dialog.

10) Repeat steps 5 to 9 to add more tools.

Unfortunately, you can select only a single tool in Step 8, so you will
have to repeat steps 5 to 8 to configure multiple tools even if they are
all contained in the same DLL.

Many of these tools operate on the currently selected History item (or
items) in the Viewer. This means that when you select Tools -> ToolName,
you must make sure that the appropriate History item is first selected,
since the tool will perform its action on the currently selected item(s).

Here is a small explanation of what each tool does.

-Tools in "tool_text.dll"-

1) To &Lower – Converts the text in the selected item(s) to lowercase.

2) To &Upper - Converts the text in the selected item(s) to uppercase.

3) &Quotation – Brings up a dialog where you can enter a quotation
character (default character is >). When you enter the character and
click OK, each line of text in the selected item(s) will be prefixed by
the quotation character. For example, if the quotation character entered
is >> , the text :

This is just
an example

will turn into

>>This is just
>>an example

4) U&n Quotation - Brings up a dialog where you can enter a quotation
character (default character is >). When you enter the character and
click OK, the quotation character at the beginning of each line of text
in the selected item(s) will be removed (if it exists). For example, if
the quotation character entered is >> , the text :

>>This is just
>>an example

will turn into

This is just
an example

This feature is especially useful to strip the quotation characters from
the text in forwarded emails / quoted newsgroup posts.

5)<&TAG></TAG> - Brings up a dialog where you can enter a start and end
tag to wrap the text in the selected item(s) with. For example, if you
enter <B> for the "Start character" and </B> for the "End character",
the text
Turn Bold today

will turn into

<B>Turn Bold today</B>

6) Delete C&RLF - Removes any line breaks from the text in the selected
item(s). For example, the text

This sentence
has too
many line breaks

will turn into

This sentence has too many line breaks

7) C&onnection of text - This tool concatenates (or "connects", hence
the name of the tool) the text in all selected items, and copies them to
the clipboard. For example, if the following 3 History items are selected :

i) United
ii) we
iii) stand

running this tool will copy the following text to the clipboard :

United we stand

8) &Word Wrap - This tool brings up a dialog where you can enter a
number that is the column width (number of characters) to wrap the text
in the selected items into.

-Tools in "tool_utl.dll"-

1) Clear &History - This tool will delete all History items.

2) Clear &Clipboard - This tool will empty the clipboard of its
current contents.

3) Save of &more items - This tool will save the text in each selected
item into its own text file. You can choose the folder where these files
will be saved, and also specify the naming convention of the saved files.

4) Always on &Top - This will set the CLCL Viewer window to "Always on
top", which means that the Viewer window will remain in front of all
other windows even when some other window is active.

5) &Un Top - This will remove the "Always on top" attribute of the
Viewer window, if it was previously set using the "Always on &Top" tool.

6) &Play Sound - This tool will play a wav file of your choice when a
user-specified event occurs. To configure the wav file, select
View->Options in the Viewer. Click on the "Tool" tab. Select "&Play
Sound" from the list of tools, and click the "Properties..." button. The
"Open" dialog pops up, and you can select the desired wav file and click
OK. To configure the event when this wav sound is played, select "&Play
Sound" from the list of tools, and click the "Edit..." button. The "Edit
of tool" dialog opens up, and you can select the event in the "Call
Type" section. For example, checking "When data is added to h&istory"
will play the wav sound, whenever a new item is added to CLCL's list of
History items.

Hope this helps !



Querulantus wrote:

> What I haven't figured out yet: can it strip all formatting from text
> clips (rtf, ms-word, html)?


Open the viewer, and select View -> Format on the menu bar.
A '+' sign will appear to the left of each item in your History list.
Clicking on the '+' sign will expand each item to display a list of
clipboard formats that are available for that item.

To get the plain text version of any RTF or MS-Word item, select the
entry named 'TEXT' and press Ctrl + C (or right - click and select 'Send to Clipboard' ).



Bill wrote:
> "Querulantus" <(E-Mail Removed)> wrote in message
> news:(E-Mail Removed)...
>>"Bill" <nospam@nospam> wrote:
>>It can also be used as a programme

> Can't help you with the formatting query but how does it work as a programme
> launcher?


In addition to the normal menu which you invoke by default via Alt + C,
you can also create extra user - defined menus in CLCL. These menus can
be configured to be displayed when you press a specific hotkey (among
other ways) , and each item on the menu can be bound to an application
that is launched when you click on that item.

You can do this from the 'Action' tab of the Options dialog.

Click on the 'Add' button, and in the 'Edit of Action' dialog that pops
up, select 'Menu' from the 'Actions' combo box.

To start adding menu items click on 'New content', and select 'External
Application' from the 'Content' combo box.

Click on the '...' button next to 'Path' to select the application to
launch for this menu item. You can assign whatever text you want to
appear for this menu item in the 'Title' textbox, and also specify an
icon. Similarly you can add more menu items. An item can also be a pop -
up menu, that is, clicking on it will display another sub - menu of
items. To create a pop - up menu select 'Pop-up Menu' from 'Content'.

You have many options with which you can invoke the menus you create.
This is controlled via the 'Call type' option. You can choose from one
of the following :

1) Hot key - Menu is displayed when you press a global hotkey. Hotkey
can be specified in the 'Hotkey' box just below the 'Call type' combo.

2) Ctrl + Ctrl - Menu is displayed when you tap the 'Ctrl' key twice quickly in succession.

3) Shift + Shift - Menu is displayed when you tap the 'Shift' key twice quickly in succession.

4) Alt + Alt - Menu is displayed when you tap the 'Alt' key twice quickly in succession.

5) Click on left for system tray - Menu is displayed when you left click on the CLCL system tray icon.

6) Double click on left for system tray - Menu is displayed when you
double click using the left mouse button on the CLCL system tray icon.

7) Click on right for system tray - Menu is displayed when you right click on the CLCL system tray icon.

6) Double click on right for system tray - Menu is displayed when you
double click using the right mouse button on the CLCL system tray icon.

If you need any more info, feel free to ask.

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Tuesday, 29 September 2009
I can't remember where I found out about Nakashima Tomoaki's CLCL, but I do remember that I was sufficiently taken by the idea of a program that remembers a list of everything I copy onto the clipboard, whether it be snippets of text or whole files, that I downloaded and installed it straight away, and I've been using it every day since. A few months later I was able to get it set up to act as a quick launcher too, and I use that every day as well.

Despite being so useful, some of the installation instructions took me a while to work out (which explains the few months gap I just mentioned), so I thought I'd lay out here what I did to get this excellent program working.

First, and unsurprisingly, you need to download it. I got my copy at Download clcl112_eng.exe (or one of the other language variants, if they're a better match for you than English). While you're there, also download the two tool plug-ins, tool_text and tool_utl, and the three format plug-ins.

Now run clcl112_eng.exe. It's an installer, and by default unpacks into C:\Program Files\CLCL. You should find you've now got four new files: readme.txt, CLCL.exe, CLCLHook.dll, and CLCLSetup.exe.

CLCL.exe is the clipboard program. It needs to be manually launched, so I put a link to it into my Startup folder under the Start menu. If you run it now, you should notice a paperclip icon appearing in the taskbar. This is a shortcut to CLCLSet.exe.

CLCLSet.exe is a bit confusing. If you double click on the file icon in C:\Program Files\CLCL, it will bring up the CLCL Options dialog. However, if you click on it in the taskbar, you get the CLCL viewer instead. Also, if you right click on the paperclip icon, you get a pop-up menu containing the clipboard history, the Options dialog, and the viewer.

There are endless ways of configuring CLCL, so I will only describe what I've done with it. I find this works flawlessly (for me), so hopefully it will for you too.

Setting up the clipboard history

    Run CLCLSet.exe to get into the Options dialog.
    Choose the Action tab.
    Click on Add...
    Set 'Action' to 'Menu' and 'Call type' to 'Alt + Alt'.
    In the 'Menu' area, click on the line marked '(New content)'. Don't be put off by it being greyed out.
    Now click on the 'Content' dropdown, and select 'History(Ascending)'.
    Hit OK.

You should now find that pressing ALT twice in quick succession will bring up a menu containing a history of everything you've put onto the clipboard since CLCL started running (and this history is retained from session to session).

Setting up the Quick Launcher

    Run CLCLSet.exe to get into the Options dialog.
    Choose the Action tab.
    Click on Add...
    Set 'Action' to 'Menu' and 'Call type' to 'Shift + Shift'.
    In the 'Menu' area, click on the line marked '(New content)'. Don't be put off by it being greyed out.
    Now click on the 'Content' dropdown, and select 'External Application'.
    Fill out 'Title' and 'Path' for an application of your choice; e.g. 'Python 2.5' and 'C:\Python25\python.exe'.
    Pick the executable for 'Icon path' too.
    Hit OK.

You have now added a quick launch for Python 2.5. Pressing Shift twice in quick succession should bring up a menu containing 'Python 2.5'.

Clicking on '(New content)' also allow you to add several other useful features, such as 'Options', 'Cancel', or sub-menus (via 'Pop-up menu').

The CLCL Viewer

I mentioned the CLCL viewer, that comes up when you left click on the paperclip icon in the task bar. The main use I make of this is to edit the contents of the clipboard.

CLCL Tools

Earlier on I said to download two tool plug-ins, tool_text and tool_utl. The tools inside them let you perform a variety of actions on selected text, such as wrapping in quotes, changing case, etc. I will now explain how to install these tools.

The download will give you two zip files. Unzip these and you should find a DLL in each one. There is also the source code and a text file, but these can be ignored. Move the DLLs to a sensible location, such as under C:\Program Files\CLCL.

Now bring up the CLCL options dialog again. Pick the Tools tab. Click on the Browse button and select one of the DLLs. Then select the first tool in the list that appears. Click OK twice to get back to the main dialog.

Repeat this until you have added all the tools in both DLLs. I'm afraid that I have not found a way to import all the tools in a DLL in one go.

To use these tools, go back to the instructions for setting up a quick launcher. Where it asks you to select 'External Application', select 'Tool' instead. In this way you can add the tools to your menus.

CLCL Formats

As well as the tool plug-ins, there were three format plug-ins. These will extend the range of formats available to CLCL, and to install them you have to perform these steps.

Unzip the downloads. Take the DLL in each one and move it to a suitable folder, such as the same one you put the tool DLLs into.
Bring up the CLCL options dialog. Pick the Format tab and click on the Add button. Now click on the Browse button and select one of the DLLs. This will bring up another dialog containing a list with one item in it. Select that item and then press OK twice to get back to the main dialog.


I hope these instructions prove useful to someone one day. Looking through the options dialog, I realise that there is plenty of stuff I still don't understand. The Window tab in the options dialog is a complete mystery, for instance. If anyone can illuminate that, or any of the other bits I've left out, please let me know and I'll add them to this guide.

Posted by Charles Anderson at 17:10
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Labels: CLCL, clipboard program, Help, Nakashima Tomoaki


to be continued...

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« Last Edit: March 21, 2014, 07:16 PM by AbteriX »