sounds good Target,
needed a restart after adding new text file (logical - just noting)
That's an interesting implementation:
it recreates the menu, but just showing the shortcuts you have in the list.
It has focus, so I'm able to navigate it with arrow, enter & escape keys. As soon as I click on the Alt key (wanted to AltTab) it disappears
It also disappears after clicking on the XY window
The thing is, with XYplorer, the shortcuts are already shown in the menu(s) so the temptation is to just use the XY menu's...
But one could also construct one's own menus e.g.
- File-Operations
- Views-Sorting
- Panes
- etc.
[edit] those extra spaces under File etc were in the text file - I had left blank spaces where I had cut lines from the list. It jumps these spaces when using the arrow keys
List was created from my "Edited List" in reply #14. Attached in case - NOT a full list! [/edit]