Tried to figure out a simple way to renumber files of the form:
000.ext, 001.ext, 002.ext, ...
000.ext, 002.ext, 004.ext, ...
001.ext, 003.ext, 005.ext, ...
What I ended up with was a multi-step process involving among other things, custom PascalScript via den4b's ReNamer. For reference, the PascalScript part for even renumbering (plus prefix) was:
i: Integer;
Number: String;
Number := Copy(FileName, 1, 3);
i := StrToInt(Number);
i := i * 2;
FileName := 'a' + IntToStr(i) + WideCopy(FileName, 4, Length(FileName) - 3);
This was followed by removing the prefix ('a') and appropriately zero-padding some of the filenames.
Does any one know of a simpler/easier way? I also looked at Thunar's renaming feature and Metamorphose without coming up with anything useful.