I'm not much of a gamer (more interested in flight or submarine sims) so my feelings may not be typical. But I vastly prefer slapping in a DVD to going online to play something. Don't really know why.
I have a Steam account with (a few) very fine games in it. But for some reason I have this weird reluctance to use it. Same goes for my
Second Life and
Ultima Online accounts.
Something about the logging in is what does it. Maybe it's because I spend my days...and nights...and weekends...and
friggin' holidays(!) logged onto one network or another. Feels too much like work or something. (Or maybe it's just my natural reluctance to trust anything on a server I don't have complete control of. Occupational hazard when you do what I do for a living...)
On the other hand I often have to resist the temptation to fire up MS
Flight Simulator or one of the
Harpoon series disks. And I'll still boot up my aging copy of Big Sid's
AlphaCenturi on that little junk laptop I keep just for that.
I guess I'm one of those people who is willing to pay whatever the asking price for media in order to not have to deal with ongoing billing arrangements, network issues, server hassles, slow downloads, and all the little business and political games that (lately) seem to go with playing something online.
It's one thing if you want to do a multiplayer game. But I'll still take a lan party over a web connection if I want to do that - even if it's me that usually gets stuck buying the pizza. Hmm...Odd how everybody always seems to be 'magically' broke whenever I'm in the mood for something with green peppers on it! Must be the ghost of the Colossal Cave Pirate character ("har-har!") that's responsible.
So is it just me, or do other people have as big a hangup about gaming over the web (and generally consider the whole thing a mistake) as I do?