To me the application did not make too much sense either.
@Shades: the program can be used to keep track of U.S. money you truly find (a quarter on a bus, a dollar on the sidewalk, etc), or of money you save (read as "in your piggy-bank" [real or virtual]). Under "Description" in the OP, there's a link to the Coding Snacks thread where this all started. Really, the Short Description in the OP summarizes its function pretty succinctly.
I never in my entire life (and I've been around for some decades) found this many coins and bills, that you found in a few months ohmy now I see why you needed this app
@Ath: I found them when I robbed various stores' cash registers...
No, seriously, one of the dropdown options for location where money was found (which I added via the application's provision for just such additional locations) is your pocket/wallet:
wish I was actually finding this kind of money daily, out on the street somewhere! But, as you can see, I'm using the program more like a piggy-bank.