Hi everyone, I work for the city of Los Angeles, and in our department we use Novell Groupwise as our email client as well as scheduling/addressbook/overall network administration solution. Now, I don't know or understand some of the "under the hood" workings that make up the network administration aspect of it, but I know that as a email system (including the addressbook and calendar), it really sucks big time. I mean it's horrible. You have barely any options for anything, and using the program makes you feel about as much in control as a yahoo email account.
Interestingly enough, the mayor appointed a new director of our department, and I was just reading her little introduction biography, and in it she said her pet peeve is the Groupwise email and how she's going to try to make a push for Outlook (I cheered out loud!). Now, I'm no fan of Outlook/Exchange, but I'm pretty sure it's magnitudes better than Groupwise as far as from a user standpoint. (I've hear Groupwise is good for security and stuff, but I'm stricly talking about functinality).
So, my question to you all is this...can anyone tell me if Outlook would really be better than Groupwise, at least for the email/calendar aspect? Also, even though I doubt they will consider anything besides Outlook or Groupwise, can anyone recommend other solutions that might fit a large, integrated corporation? I doubt the Bat! will be a good solution for something like this.
And we use IMAP email, I'm pretty sure. It has unbelievably bad filtering options, horrible signature options, horrible reply-to settings, and to top it off, the administration has a 45-day limit on email messages, after which they are purged from the system. If you want to keep mail, you have to go through this archiving process which is a pain in the butt, and even when they're archived, you can't export it in a format that will be usuable in any other email client. Otherwise I would always archive everything and send it to my Bat! folder so I can store them inside a good program in case I need to use it later.