^ that's the trick
Well, I took the plunge as well.
I bought it from the german site HAAGE&PARTNER (
site &
shop - both in english) with the added bonus of getting free SFTP & USB **
BE WARNED, my initial install was german, but then I used the german language shop. I dont know if the install from the english language shop is in english - but i suspect not. You then have to find the option to change language to English.
** I got these 'free' with the upgrade (but they dont know how long this will be the case), for a couple of euros more than the gpsoft price (i paid €40 - there's 19% vat also included in that price -
I dont know if that's charged for all countries).
NOTE free SFTB & USB is only advertised for when buying 10 new - I asked about it for the upgrade, they said it's currently the case but they dont know for how long.