Thank you, April ♥
Forgive me for using the thread to backup names & such that may come handy.
Add to Search Bar 2.0 - Tilføj hvilken som helst søgning, på hvilken som helst side, til søgefeltet.
Auto Context - Automatically shows User Popup Menu if text is selected
Auto Shutdown 3.6.2D - Add Shutdown feature to Firefox built-in Download Manager or DownThemAll!.
Babylon Spelling and Proofreading - Ensures you did not omit or skip anything important and allows you to catch errors.
Back to Top 5.3.2 - Gå til toppen (eller bunden) af en side
British English Dictionary 1.19.1
Bulk Image Downloader - Easily download images from image host sites. The Bulk Image Downloader application must be installed on the PC for this to work.
CHM Reader 0.2.3 - An extension make firefox support CHM file reading.
ChromaTabs Plus 2.3 - Colors browser tabs based on site favicon colors.
CoLT 2.5.1 - Tilføjer et Kopier linktekst-punkt til browserens kontekstmenu.
Custom Buttons - Gives a possibility to create custom toolbarbuttons.
Custom Buttons² 3.1.0 - Enables the creation of custom buttons for toolbars.
Custom Toolbar Buttons - A customized version of Toolbar Buttons including the buttons : Reload Skip Cache
Custom Toolbar Buttons - A customized version of Toolbar Buttons including the buttons : Bookmark Manager, Quick Bookmark, Clipboard Link, Enlarge, Find, Toggle Cookies, Clear Url
CustomizeGoogle 0.76 - Forbedrede Google søgeresultater, og fjern reklamer og spam.
Dansk ordbog til stavekontrollen 2.1.6 - Dansk stavekontrol i mails, forums, blogs osv.
Document Express DjVu Plug-in 6.1.4 - The DjVu Browser Plug-in is the primary means of viewing DjVu documents. It runs inside most modern browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari.
Download Statusbar 0.9.8 - Vis og håndter filhentninger fra en smart nydelig statusbjælke
DownloadHelper 4.8.6 - Download videoer og billeder fra mange websteder
Exit Button Firefox 0.4.2 - Adds a toolbar button to exit Firefox.
Extended Statusbar 1.5.7 - En statuslinje der viser hastighed, procent, tid og indlæst størrelse (ligesom den i Opera).
Fasterfox Lite 3.9.1Lite - Performance and network tweaks for Firefox, without the Enhanced Prefetching.
FavLoc 1.2 - Nemt download til ofte brugte steder.
Findbar Basics 1.5.8 - Adds a statusbar toggle button, text input clear button, and an optional toolbar toggle button.
Fission 1.0.9 - Fremskridtsmåler i adresselinien (Safari-stil).
Flagfox 4.1.1 - Viser et flag, der afbilleder den pågældende servers placering
German Dictionary 2.0.2 - German dictionary (new Orthography) for spellchecking in Mozilla products. Using igerman98 dictionary version 20091006.
Glasser 3.5.2 - Adds the Windows Vista glass frame to Firefox
Greasemonkey 0.9.2 - A User Script Manager for Firefox
HashColouredTabs+ 0.4.23 - Gør identifikation af faneblade nemmere ved at give et lille farvet ikon for ethvert site der ikke har sit eget 'sideikon'.
IE View - Åbner sider i IE via Firefox-menuer
IE8 Activities (Accelerators) for Firefox 0.7.7
Image Toolbar 0.6.8 - Provides easy access to common image functions.
InFormEnter - Helper for form filling in semi-automatic mode.
Interclue 1.6.2 - The ultimate link augmentation multitool
Java Console 6.0.23
Linkification 1.3.8 - Konverterer tekstlinks til ægte, klikbare links.
Menu Editor 1.2.7 - Customize application menus
Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant 1.2.1 - Tilføjer understøttelse af ClickOnce og muligheden for at rapportere de installerede versioner af .NET Framework til webserveren.
MinimizeToTray revived (MinTrayR) 0.9.3 - Minimerer vinduer til statusfeltet
MR Tech Toolkit 6.0.4 - Lokalt installerede powertools for alle brugere.
Multiple Tab Handler 0.6.2011020301 - Provides features to close (, reload, etc.) multiple tabs at once.
NextPlease 0.9.2 - Fast navigation over next and previous pages of forums, search results, etc.
Open In RegEdit - Select registry keys in the page and open them in the registry editor
Open link in... 1.8 - Adds more tab/window opening options to the context menu for links and images.
OperaView 0.7 - Open pages in Opera from Firefox and Flock context menus.
PlainOldFavorites 1.1.3 - Use Internet Explorer Favorites directly from Firefox
Popup ALT Attribute 2.0.2011040501 - Popups alternate texts of images or others like NetscapeCommunicator(Navigator) 4.x, and show long descriptions in the multi-row tooltip.
QuickRestart 1.1.6 - Tilføjer en "Genstart Firefox" knap til "Filer" menuen.
Readability 1.3.5 - Readability is a simple tool that makes reading on the Web more enjoyable by removing the clutter around what you are reading.
Save Session - Save Session can save the session only once.
SearchWith 0.4.3 - Søg valgt tekst med forskellige søge-services
Speed Dial - Direkte adgang til de hjemmesider du besøger oftest
Status Buttons 3.0 - Lets you put toolbar buttons in the status bar
Stop-or-Reload Button 0.2.2 - Turns the stop and reload buttons into a single one. When you can stop, you have a Stop button, otherwise you have a Reload button. (Like Safari)
Stylish 1.1.2 - Gendesign internettet med Stylish, en user styles manager.
Tab History 1.0.6 - Links opened in a new tab retain their history.
TabCloser 1.07 - Close all tabs for a given site.
Undo Closed Tabs Button 3.6.2 - Tilføjer en værktøjslinje-knap til at fortryde lukning af faneblade
United States English Spellchecker 5.0.1 - English United States (en-US) Spellchecker
Unsorted Bookmarks Folder Menu 2.3 - Add Unsorted Bookmarks Folder to Bookmarks Menu
URL Tooltip 1.2.1 - Displays URL in hyperlink tooltips.
ViewInFirefox 1.2.1 - View pages and links loaded into IE in Firefox
VTzilla 1.0 - Right-click on any link and scan the target with VirusTotal, scan your downloads with VirusTotal before storing them in your PC, free and easy. More information at: