I've used Krita before but only for a couple of small projects, but Xara gets lots of love from everyone who tries it:
For 2D illustration I like
Xara Xtreme for Linux. Link
Very similar to Xara's other illustration packages although it lags far behind their current offerings like
Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 6 and
Xara Designer Pro 6.
[Linux] Illustration and 2D animation SoftwareI happen to like the way Xara works, although not everybody does.
For animation, I don't know of any package that's particularly easy to use or come up to speed on.
I've logged a fair bit of time on SmithMicro's
Anime Studio. (Long enough to know doing animation is
not easy.) However, from what I've seen of other animation packages, this one might be as easy as it's ever gonna get.
They have a "debut" edition available for $49 (Win/Mac only) that has more than enough tools to get you started producing creditable projects. The Pro edition is the same thing on steroids, but it goes for $199 list.
They offer a "free trial" of the Debut Edition. But there's a gotcha.
They require you to place an order using a credit card, but then give you the option to cancel it within 30 days and not be charged.

Kind of a sucky way to do business, but that's how they choose to operate.
I guess it does cut down on the number of tire kickers - and also positively IDs
you with your trial copy. I'm guessing they do that just in case your trial copy ever gets cracked and starts showing up on the torrents.

Wish I had a suggestion for a similar product on the Linux platform.