v0.3 2011-04-20 23:11:09
This part concerns mostly drag/drop or copy/paste from Web pages.
Appears to drag links, but not clickable - cursor changes appropriately when moved over apparent link.
Later attempts on same links clickable - time element? This was a saved note.
Drag does not carry over images - not major, just for info - seems to allocate space for the image, but it grabs the alt value, not the image. Most of the apps I've used of this nature do pretty much the same. However, this was only one trial ... more will be forthcoming - different sizes, formats, and the like. Oh, yeah ... clicking the image placeholder will open the page from which it was dragged.
My normal usage only involves images perhaps 30% of the time, although that usage might increase if it weren't so darned hard to get them in place.
One thing that would be very handy - a couple of lists. One would be a list of available tags, the other would be a tag entry list.
The tag entry list would enable to pre-enter tags that you'd expect to use.
Then the available tag list would allow selection of appropriate tag(s) in order to avoid typos. Of course, you'd still need the ability to add a new
ad. hoc. tag to the note if you didn't have a suitable one available.
OK, that's enough for the moment ... me ear is crying to make love to a pillow. But WikeNotes is looking very good
