maybe i found a solution for the not showing temp icon on win 7/vista
If ( Icon_Temp = 1 )
Tray_Icon_ID := Tray_Add( hGui, "OnTrayIcon", A_ScriptDir . "\images\tray-temperature\" . Image_Dir_Temp . "\" . sTemp . ".ico", "" )
Tray_Modify( hGui, Tray_Icon_ID, A_ScriptDir . "\images\tray-temperature\" . Image_Dir_Temp . "\" . Strip(sTemp) . ".ico", "" )
% ( Extra_Tray_Refresh ) ? ( Tray_Refresh() ) : ( "" )
GoSub, Gui_Refresh_Main
GoSub, Tray_Icon_Refresh <=inserting this fixed it for me .... also fixes the gap between the two icons after loading
If ( Start_Min != 1 )
Gui, Show, x%Posx% y%PosY%, % AppName
hmpf ... doesn't work ... sry :\
i swear it was working .... damn win7 suxx