My biggest bitch about Unsubscribe links are the ones where they want even more personal information to unsubscribe you! I started getting emails from, of all people, both the Democratic and Republican political parties, local, state, and national organizations. I never visited their web sites or signed up for anything but I guess someplace did me the "favor" (Grrrr..) of sharing their email list with them. At all levels when I clicked on the Unsubscribe links it brought me to a page where they wanted me to fill out a web form that asked about every bit of personal information imaginable. They supposedly needed it to make sure that I was really me - yeah, right! So they earned an automatic spam report. Now all their emails go to the Junk folder daily.
Another major annoyance was Panda Anti-Virus. Biggest spammer I have ever encountered. I used their online virus scan once several years ago and you had to enter your email address first. Foolishly I entered my daily-use email address. Actually back then I think that was the only address I had; I hadn't started using a throwaway service yet. Spam wasn’t a big problem for me at the time. Boy, did Panda ever give me a wake-up call! Started with a few emails per week but soon grew to daily emails, selling their AV products. The more I tried to get them to stop, the more I received from them. Last I remember I was getting an average of 8 to 10 spam emails daily from Panda, ironically many of which were trying to sell me their new anti-spam program!