I have always wondered why Trout was made with the WinAmp ahk_class?
Certainly complicated my AHK scripts ...-AEN007
Because I wrote in partial support for the WinampAPI into Trout.-skwire
Yesterday I was tweaking my AHK screensaver "control" script
to launch WinAmp to play overnight while screensavers are running.
I can iniWrite to tweak the WinAmp.ini to have WA launch a certain way.
I also found some interesting webpages about the WA API & commandline.
WACLWAAPIAt the moment I am wondering about using the WA /CLASS: commandline switch
to launch Trout and change the Trout class to something else ... like maybe "SkwiresTrout" ...
The /CLASS: switch does not seem to work with Trout now,
but I thought it might be a possibility given the WA API in Trout ... ???
I have my SSctrl script change the WA class to make it easy to differentiate
if WA is running under normal or overnight SS conditions ....