As to the comment that a 30 second wait isn't unreasonable, I say Bullshit! I donated to him! I don’t want to see such crap and so I do indeed donate to every free software developer whose app I use. Granted there are a lot I have tried and didn't continue to use - they get nothing. But I do use some freeware and I always donate if requested. And I have donated in cases when it was NOT requested!
mouser, I don’t know what you mean regarding the approach to license keys here at DC. I never used any DC software until after I donated - to be honest I didn't think you could even do that! Maybe you couldn't do that back when I registered; or else I just missed it.
Anyway, if he wants to develop software, then just do it!

If donations aren't cutting it then start charging for his work - I certainly don’t have a problem with that. But when it is given freely I am very appreciative and I show it how I can. But if installing crapware or adware is how he wants to be recompensed then it isn't really offered "free" anymore. My opinion, anyway. I think it is ExifViewer that has no distinction between their paid and free versions other than a 45 second start delay if the program is not registered. Annoying? Yes. But not very. It would have annoyed me more if he had packaged Ebay crap and especially a toolbar - of any kind - with the program. Either make it truly free (read: donation-based), or don’t. But once they insist on adding crap I stop using it.
