Seems to indicate there's a timing issue somewhere with the database or a script. Does a new message entry tombstone out if it says open too long before being committed?-40hz
If it were a problem with the DC server side of things, (database access, scripts, etc), then I would have expected that I'd keep getting the same problem even after I switched to SSL.......but I don't, after going to SSL I have yet to have even one problem.
To me that seemed to indicate that there was a proxy/server my connection was passing through that was causing lost packets or doing some strange filtering.
I might switch back to non-SSL and see if the problem still exists for me, it was fairly consistant, almost any attachment over ~100k would cause it to time out after a loonggg period, (>20min in some cases).
Of course, I have changed ISP and router since those times and currently the uploading of three ~3MB pics seems to be going smoothly.
I wish I'd kept a tracert from when I was having trouble.
I made an initial post regarding the problems I was having some time ago, I'll see if I can search it out - if nothing else it should give you a rough timeframe of when this problem started, (at least for me), and you could check to see what site changes were done in the temporal vicinity.
EDIT: Found it
here - first time I noticed problems with trying to attach things, 2010-09-07.