Next update will be for WBE getting a better configuration of all Image parameters (7 comma separated values is a bit cumbersome)-Ath
Promises are there to be fulfilled, so I added an Image parameters configuration window to WinButtonEdit.

It can be set to auto-update changes to the preview (default off, there's an Apply button), and the sliders max. range can be set (default 128)(both from the Options menu)
When pressing a button in the preview, the selected button is activated in WBE, and the Image parameters windows is updated as well (when open), any image parameters changes made are 'saved' to the associated button.
A screenshot was added to the release message.
WinButtons version was only bumped to align the update with WBE.
Here's an update release of:
(Extra emphasis to WBE this time)
Download available from the
release message, linking to my DCMembers pages.
Updates can be downloaded also from the WinButtonEdit
File/Check for updates option, using DCUpdater when installed.
Any feedback or feature requests are still welcome, as usual