I've started working on a Fscript version that it will be updatable and embeddable by default in FARR. That version should also clean the mess of the multiples fscript dll stored everywhere.
My current idea about implementing it is to create a proxy dll for each plugin and to erase the current fscript.dll from current plugins. That way all the current plugins should be able to work under the new system without modification.
I'm not sure it qualify as a NANY pledge as it is more an extension of Fscript. I think that it would be helpful anyway. I'm also not sure, that I'll be done before the next year also. I hope to be done before the end of jan anyway because I'm going to have a little boy and I might be a little tired once he'll be there

I might need some help from all of you when I'll be close to completion to test it with the various plugins.