nothing like what im talking about out there yet.
i don't want a resizer, or a save position or a programmable one touch layout kind of function, i want a "snap to" kinda tool.
i want to highlight or encompass several im windows at once, whether live or background, and when the mouse button or hotkey is let go, have the selected windows all snap to one target monitor and automatically resize to fit in a line or 2 at the set resolution of that monitor. there should be an options system incorporated into the app that allows user choice of which monitor is the target, what hotkey to use, whether to line horz or vert, and to make 1 row or 2 rows. and the app should know how big to draw all the windows at target resolution so no matter how many windows are open, 3, 5 or 8, all will be the same size and lined up straight and square. the app needs to determine the size of the windows to get them to fit on the target screen at any given resolution. so obviously, 3 windows will be bigger than 7 windows, but all will be same size and lined up. then the user can click on any window to return it to active as need be.
if you use a multi monitor system in windows, like me, (i use 3), and have several chats open at once, (normally at least 4) they tend to get placed everywhere across all monitors. they tend to open randomly across 3 monitors, sometimes taking up valuable screen real estate. i find myself frequently doing this manually to free up monitor space for other things. though it is very easy to drag windows onto one monitor, line them up and resize them one at a time, it would be a lot nicer to do it with one click. lets say: hold ctrl, touch each window with cursor and when key is let up, boom, all at once.
but hey, thanks for the response. at least i know someone read my post.