I'm now looking for a few more beta testers to help break my app. You don't have to be a musician! If you enjoy trying to break programs and providing feedback try out the version below and reply with any new issues.
Download latest versionThis release is more polished overall and should work properly on more configurations.
Updated to
* Clarified prompts and help files
* On failing to play files, try fallback option and log any errors
* Added known issue to readme
* Installation / Uninstallation Wizards
* Option to add icon to desktop
* Store created files in Application Data/Roaming so that writing rights to program files is not needed.
* allow /resetsettings to reset the settings
* Fixed interface issues when using custom themes under Windows XP
* Feedback Option added
Known Issues
* Playback of certain 24bit files may fail under Windows XP.
I'm looking for a solution. More info: