Congratulations on the recognition of this great little program.
I love it in combo with PIP (picture-in-picture) on my old TV I use as a monitor. I found lots of stuff on my desktop got blocked when I was occasionally using the PIP feature to watch a 9th inning, or something interesting while doing homework. DesktopCoral works perfect to keep your work visible on those occasions.
For awhile I had a dual monitor up-down arrangement next to my laptop workhorse controlled through
Input Director. I used the top monitor constantly for my TV card, and the bottom only occasionally. In fact, the bottom moni was usually off. I didn't use the remote for the channel changing, only the mouse controls. I also used that same desktop for streaming video in my study of Hebrew (still do, just not on dual arrangement for now) Desktop Coral kept me from mousing over the less used monitor.