Jimminy Christmas!!!
I really do not want to be an enemy of fun here.
As much as I love being an A$$Hole, this is not one of them
I love all the folks that use and help support Circle Dock.
Please realize that many limits are being hit based on the software that is currently being used, and certain software products must be obtained in order to develop towards some of the requests that have been, and are being, made.
Want to advance Circle Dock, but apparently have hit various financial limits.
Many here at DC and Circle Dock Donations have been great and open, many donating more than they can afford. I know, I am one of these.
Know that Markham and I are not absolutely happy with moving in this direction, but we are feeling very limited by the current choices at present.
I have done some serious research into Eric's license, as I was asked if I can justify what we are doing, and do so in clear conscience.
The immediate answer is no.
,But what alternatives exist?
That being said; I see no reason that we would not consider alternatives or modifications to what Markham has already outlined.
At this time, as far as I know, nothing is absolutely carved in stone, so Options and suggestions are advised, over criticism.
We can not ask more than the DC Community already gives, and we now all know what the problems are.
Solutions are what are needed, thoughtful and forward moving, not Complaints. I do not say this angrily at all
I understand you positions. But costs need to met and in the immediate future
Please observe the following quotes from Eric's License.
You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
This is not derivative taken out of context, but a complete paragraph.
I have not modified this in any way. I am too lazy.
But I request that you research the license again, before jumping towards incorrect conclusions, again no insult is meant by this statement.
I am of two minds in this.
1) Protecting VIP's Legacy
2) allowing Markham to protect his intellectual rights and be able to afford teh necessary software to expand on Circle Dock's capabilities.
I do not at all wish to alienate any users, but if any one has a better solution, or licensing concept.
We will listen.
My immediate thinking would be allowing a limit on computers installed over an install limit on a single system.