If I take a dead GPL'd project, and use that source and project as an inspiration to build the same project, but with my own source, is my project now GPL'd? I don't think so...
You know, I thought I had read that the source had been completely rewritten, but I couldn't find it, so wondered if I had imagined it. If so, surely that makes a difference, does it not? But then again, I must have imagined it, otherwise it surely would have been mentioned in this thread before now.
Otherwise I have embargoed myself from talking about GPL because after all these years I am still confused about it.
Actaully the GPL model is so restrictive and, in many ways, unrealistic that unless you have a large programmer team and a larger support and testing team, that Using this license and intending to charge for services is pointless!
I have never in all my years of business, IT, Communications and law Enforcement have I ever seen such a restrictive contract. It is nightmarish.
Anyone intending to take over a GPL GNU Licensed project that has been abandoned, should read and re-read teh License, and get an attorney. I have a legal Adviser acquaintance who deals in contract and licensing law looking over this now, and from his immediate impression, he would advise that almost all avoid this license, unless their software has hit an end of life, and some one wants to have their work made public for posterity.
For my part I find that he license is greatly misunderstood by both the implementer and the end user.
This license guarantees Free source code and any derivatives or modifications remain so.
That is all there is "FREE" about this license.
Covering the code question and how much of Eric Wong's original code remains:
I am comfortable in saying that less than 7% of Eric's original code remains in the latest build.
I know that some folks may translate that is tongue in cheek, as they can no longer verify for them selves, for that I have no control over, but if you will all recall, Eric was in the middle of a massive re-code of the Circle Dock code, because CD was a mess and rigged together of proverbial Code Duct Tape.
To have Circle Dock do what it does now, has required massive elimination of code, and new code added just to maintain what Circle Dock does and allow for the new code.
The Circle Dock we know now, does do what Eric Wong created, but in a completely different way.
Eric Wong's code will be completely eliminate in the near future, assuming that we move forward, and the Circle Dock we know now will be gone in code, if not in function.