Dear DC Forum Members,
I am an intermediate computer user. Currently I have the following e-mail setup at the office:

I use Thunderbird as my e-mail client. Today I see that Thunderbird cannot handle my large e-mail database (8 GB). To solve the problem a friend suggests that I setup a local IMAP server and use Thunderbird as an IMAP client. The scenario is as follows:

For the incoming mail:
- The local IMAP server pulls e-mails via POP3 server
- I access the e-mail on the local IMAP server using Thunderbird as IMAP client
For outgoing mail:
- I compose e-mail on Thunderbird
- I sent the mail through SMTP server via local IMAP server
My question are:
1. Is that IMAP setup possible on Windows XP Pro?
2. What IMAP server can be easily set up on Windows XP Pro that can handle such scenario?
Well, that's my questions. Thanks in advance!