Well, I suppose I'll be chastised (flamed is it?) for this, yet my misspent youth and the anarchistic force in me insists I speak up. I'll make it brief: It's time to burn and loot.
the APP store pirates of the world have done a magnificent job of changing the thinking of a generation, and at the same time performed their public relations legerdemain of hiding the truth. If those who believe the internet, the WWW, the frequency spectrum, DOES NOT belong to corporations that simply declare their size dictates ownership, do not begin now to make a noise that reverberates for decades, kiss donation coding good bye. Hasta la vista freeware.
Called for above is my philosophy of go big or go away...don't JUST burn...don't JUST loot. However with experience and age and a few wounded causes comes respect for reality. You still need to keep up a fight with many many short jabs and an occasional knockout punch. Keep in mind the other side is trying the same thing.
You still need to go BIG, but from the inside. And that's my thesis. I'll leave the specifics to you as to how to go about keeping the next generation of coders from selling out.