(i've got a sneaky feeling there must be a thread on the forum discussing this kind of thing already - but i can't find anything in the search.)
problem: i'm trying to keep track of a couple of computers (maybe more) that are miles apart. they have similar content on them - like video and music files but i quickly lose track of what is where; whether things are duplicated, deleted, unique, etc.
as they are media files i don't want to try and synchronise things using something like DropBox (video is way too big). so, i'd just like a list of the folder contents on each machine emailed to me in a quick and easy fashion...
a util scans the folder each time the machine boots up and then creates a list in a txt file of the folder(s) contents. the list is then automatically emailed to me so i can check it against lists made from other machines using the same method.
or, the list is made and emailed whenever i run the util (so it doesn't have to do it each boot-up).
i'm sure there will be a util that does this - or maybe two that i can run together. maybe autohotkey is required but i'd like to know if there are any solutions currently available. or if there's a better way of what i'm trying to do - maybe DropBox can be used to save the lists in one place, therefore email is not required.