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Last post Author Topic: People are really (really, really) stupid  (Read 38604 times)


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People are really (really, really) stupid
« on: February 19, 2010, 04:53 PM »
From Betanews: "Last week, hundreds of Facebook users who type "Facebook" into their Google search bar rather than use the URL in the address bar were routed to a ReadWriteWeb article instead of Facebook when Google temporarily shuffled the search rankings. What followed is one of the most tragically hilarious comment threads of all time."

WOW. Just.... wow. OK, so the method of typing in a site's name or even URL into Google to find it, I get that it's common, and maybe it's not totally retarded. And I guess muscle memory or simple habit trains people to click that first link that comes up in their search engine when they do this, and they just trust it'll be the right thing when they do. That's all well and good, it's not a sign of the stupidity apocalypse.

What shocks me about this is 1: 100's or even 1000's of people didn't even think to go back and check the search engine's results that they clicked on, they just assumed the site they went to was Facebook and it had undergone a complete and total redesign despite 2: the URL in the address bar not being anywhere close to right. Worse still, when they did weigh in with their question, opinion, comment it 3: was universally retarded, e.g. "wtf is this bullshttttttttttt all about. can i get n plzzzzzzzzz".

No wonder so many people get taken in by Facebook scams and other online hazards. I am sad for the future of mankind.  :(

- Oshyan


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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2010, 05:30 PM »
I am sad for the future of mankind.  :(

If you want to be sad, see the future of online chatting:

Click away people you don't want and get a a new chat partner in an instant. And you better be interesting yourself, else you'll be clicked away before you can say a word.  :huh:


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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2010, 07:34 PM »
I must agree that "people are generally stupid".
That's why SPAM and so many obviously ridiculous SCAMS continue to be effective.

Sadly, besides being 'dumb' many people are 'greedy'.  So they WANT TO BELIEVE that a Nigerian Prince sought them out.
I have won the lottery in the UK so many times {although I NEVER play any lottery} but just could not bring myself to respond to the "Official" email address like [email protected]

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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2010, 09:30 PM »
According to Mercury News, about 70% of AOL users also use Facebook
-The Article
That pretty much explains the stupidity phenomenon to me... (Because) ...Nothing screams retard louder than an address.


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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2010, 01:57 AM »
After repeated warnings, a woman in SA 'chose' to respond to the Absa Bank Phishing scam email! She was on TV bemoaning her account being wiped out -  :huh: when will they learn!


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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2010, 02:17 AM »
According to Mercury News, about 70% of AOL users also use Facebook
-The Article
That pretty much explains the stupidity phenomenon to me... (Because) ...Nothing screams retard louder than an address.

I have 3 of those, and I know quite a few intelligent people that have at least one, too.

But I will agree that there is a certain majority from there that has little to no sense and it amazes me that they can figure out how to turn the computer on (or did they?).

I used to have a group of women on AOL that used to beta test my software, not for finding bugs, but for "dummy proofing" purposes. (it's why my DClock2 can't be moved off the screen  :huh:)

The Facebook login issue is due to the fact that some people just don't know how to use a browser. They type "facebook login" in the addressbar and their browser is configured to go to the most likely page, since it's not a URL. That would be the same as going to google and typing it in and hitting "i'm feeling lucky".

In the past, it worked fine for them and took them right to the facebook login page, but if that isn't the top result, as what happened with the recent google shuffle, then it just takes them somewhere else they didn't that blog post. Then they get confused, and everyone starts making fun of them.

Now, as an experiment, you could simulate their world by not using any of your bookmarks or typing in any urls. Just use Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" and the name of the site you want to visit, for one full day. For most sites, it works great.


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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2010, 02:59 AM »
I dont think this is stupidity -
it's ignorance - these are mostly people who have never learned (in the sense of being taught, but maybe in every sense?!) about using a computer. Have you ever tried to teach beginners - they have an icon the desktop - that's the INTERNET, and god help them (and you) if it moves for any reason. They have no concept of what it is they're using or how it works. Search vs. URL's huh??? :huh: :huh: that's a more advanced science. I learned that way myself (without being taught & pretty much without help) but I was curious and interested - it still took years for me to understand lots of stuff (it was probably helpful I only had dial-up - I was learning at a dial-up pace) and I'm still likely to make very stupid mistakes with programmes - I'd be good to dummy-test apps for App ;)

There was a vid a while back somewhere asking people what a browser was (prompted by google's new os) that was fun - found it


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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2010, 03:06 AM »
You know, I've said it before and I will say it again. We need to remove all safety warnings from every product and this stupidity problem will solve itself. People will LEARN to survive and do what needs to be done. Darwinism FTW!


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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2010, 08:13 AM »
I'm agreeing totally with Josh. No warning labels on any product! Pain is the teacher with the most eager students...and that knowledge retains a lifetime (however short that may be for some according to the rules of Darwinism).


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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2010, 09:00 AM »
Pain is the teacher with the most eager students...
Said the 4'6" lumberjack...


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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2010, 09:18 AM »
My father made me watch this movie, and I can't help but keep thinking about it.


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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2010, 11:48 AM »
My father made me watch this movie, and I can't help but keep thinking about it.

One of the funniest movies in a long time - it's too bad it got zero marketing support making it relatively unknown.

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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2010, 03:40 PM »
You know, I've said it before and I will say it again. We need to remove all safety warnings from every product and this stupidity problem will solve itself. People will LEARN to survive and do what needs to be done. Darwinism FTW!
The gene pool could sure use some chlorine :)
- carpe noctem


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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2010, 03:45 PM »
I was thinking gasoline and a lit match, but chlorine will do


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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2010, 04:19 PM »
As I said before, what shocked and saddened me wasn't necessarily that people were using this method to find their sites - I get that it's basic ignorance, or just what they've found easiest/most intuitive to do. It was the fact that once they got to the site that looked totally different than Facebook and had none of the Facebook content and had an obvious article written *about* Facebook, they didn't stop to think maybe they got the wrong site, they just assumed someone had "broken their Facebooks!!1!1" and then proceeded to make incredibly retarded comments about it. *That* is stupid. Yes, I stand by that. Did it not even cross these people's minds that it could be another site? They've been to other sites on the Internet besides Facebook, right? Or at the least they know other sites *exist*... so, they're idiots.  :P

- Oshyan


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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2010, 04:55 PM »
[...] they didn't stop to think maybe they got the wrong site, they just assumed someone had "broken their Facebooks!!1!1" and then proceeded to make incredibly retarded comments about it. *That* is stupid. Yes, I stand by that. Did it not even cross these people's minds that it could be another site? They've been to other sites on the Internet besides Facebook, right? Or at the least they know other sites *exist*... so, they're idiots.  :P

lol agreed


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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2010, 05:38 PM »
I think a huge part of the security problems on the Internet stem from the fact that people just seem to have their brains turned off when online. Imagine if you were walking down the street to your favorite coffee shop, you come to where it should be and step inside, yet it's totally different, there is no menu, it's filled with shoes, and the staff is different. Do you A: walk up to the counter and start yelling at them about getting you coffee or B: walk back outside and see if you stepped into the wrong door and realize that it's one door down? I'd like to think most people, even the idiots in that comment thread, would opt for B. That being the case, why the hell didn't they apply the same common sense to their online navigation? Yeesh!

- Oshyan


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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2010, 06:53 PM »
it's totally different, there is no menu, it's filled with shoes, and the staff is different
That explains the experience I had yesterday!
I asked for my usual, i.e. large and strong, and they handed me a steel-toed wellington boot!


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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2010, 07:54 PM »
...once they got to the site that looked totally different than Facebook...
To be fair, Facebook changes the layout of their site more than any other that I know, and the changes tend to be more than just small tweaks as well.  They've effectively trained their users to expect nothing to be where it was the last time they used the site.


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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2010, 12:27 AM »
I have a permanent tab for FB in Firefox


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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2010, 01:21 AM »
I dont think this is stupidity - it's ignorance - these are mostly people who have never learned (in the sense of being taught, but maybe in every sense?!) about using a computer. Have you ever tried to teach beginners - they have an icon the desktop - that's the INTERNET, and god help them (and you) if it moves for any reason. They have no concept of what it is they're using or how it works. Search vs. URL's huh??? :huh: :huh: that's a more advanced science.

I completely agree with the above.

As I said before, what shocked and saddened me wasn't necessarily that people were using this method to find their sites - I get that it's basic ignorance, or just what they've found easiest/most intuitive to do. It was the fact that once they got to the site that looked totally different than Facebook and had none of the Facebook content and had an obvious article written *about* Facebook, they didn't stop to think maybe they got the wrong site, they just assumed someone had "broken their Facebooks!!1!1" and then proceeded to make incredibly retarded comments about it. *That* is stupid. Yes, I stand by that. Did it not even cross these people's minds that it could be another site? They've been to other sites on the Internet besides Facebook, right? Or at the least they know other sites *exist*... so, they're idiots.  :P

And I also pretty much agree with that as well.

I think a huge part of the security problems on the Internet stem from the fact that people just seem to have their brains turned off when online. Imagine if you were walking down the street to your favorite coffee shop, you come to where it should be and step inside, yet it's totally different, there is no menu, it's filled with shoes, and the staff is different. Do you A: walk up to the counter and start yelling at them about getting you coffee or B: walk back outside and see if you stepped into the wrong door and realize that it's one door down? I'd like to think most people, even the idiots in that comment thread, would opt for B. That being the case, why the hell didn't they apply the same common sense to their online navigation? Yeesh!

And finally, with that as well.

It reminds me of my 5 year old niece, who when she can't find her shoes/sippy cup/whatever insists she can't find it but won't even try looking for it. You can tell her exactly where to look for it ("I saw it in that room right there." *pointing*) but still she won't look.

Many people who otherwise seem quite intelligent do that very thing with computers. "Argh! I don't know where it is! I'm helpless to look for the answer myself! I'll ask someone who knows these things." Then they watch you look around and explore on their machine right in front of them and yet next time they need help they still don't think to look in the menu or whatever you did.


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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2010, 01:30 AM »
You know, I've said it before and I will say it again. We need to remove all safety warnings from every product and this stupidity problem will solve itself. People will LEARN to survive and do what needs to be done. Darwinism FTW!
The gene pool could sure use some chlorine :)

Unfortunately, evolutionary forces can work the other way as well; look up the classic SF author C.M. Kornbluth and his Marching Morons short story sometime. ;D

(I think there were two: The Marching Morons and The Little Black Bag)
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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2010, 08:30 AM »
Many people who otherwise seem quite intelligent do that very thing with computers. "Argh! I don't know where it is! I'm helpless to look for the answer myself! I'll ask someone who knows these things." Then they watch you look around and explore on their machine right in front of them and yet next time they need help they still don't think to look in the menu or whatever you did.

very, very true.


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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2010, 01:09 PM »
I used to work in a support dept. so believe me I have seen computer stupid... like to guy who tried to use the mouse by placing it on the screen and moving it around.

However, we shouldn't be too harsh, I remember the first time I used a browser in the early 90's & someone told me to type in 3 w's..... so I typed in 3w... :o

If you have always typed in facebook into the address bar & it worked then it is understandable that it would confuse the hell out of you if it suddenly stopped working. That is the problem with google taking over everything imho.

If they didn't offer this 'extra' service there wouldn't be a problem.
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Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2010, 02:06 PM »
After repeated warnings, a woman in SA 'chose' to respond to the Absa Bank Phishing scam email! She was on TV bemoaning her account being wiped out -  :huh: when will they learn!

I saw a great bumper sticker:  "God must love stupid people.  He made so many of them!"