Greetings Lotheilian
Welcome to and Circle Dock's forum
This is a
"Serious Problem", you are one of the lucky few that create back ups, and for this issue I apologize for any loss.
I am so grateful that you have taken the time to bring this to our attention.
I was awake when the post first came in, and I have spent several hours attempting to replicate this issue. I have had no success.
This leads me to ask a few questions, so that hopefully I can at least nail down the issue/cause.
I am a user of PortableApps and portable applications at large, so you have just sent a shiver down my spine
Questions:Please answer to the best of your remembrance How were the links created?
Was The Portable Apps in the same folder as the Circle Dock core software folder?
If the Portable Apps files were in another location; Where?
Did you use the native uninstaller for Circle Dock? If not what did you use?
Of course I am using the latest full version, so there may have been something I missed in teh older version (typical), so let me know when you have the chance
I appreciate your time in this matter