I've read all of them after play. And I understand that autors have the right to plot the story however thay want to but…
Matrix has shitty ending but it is still fun to watch it over and over again.
With ME I've lost that. Houndreds of hours spent (I've replayed whole story not so long ago) for nothing. This is
the feeling I have: all choices, getting to know game's universe (books/comics) and getting fully motional emotional just to be slapped in face. There is no sense in ending and it is iconsistent with the rest of content (i.e. exploding Relays would destroy more lifes that Reaper ever did).
I own a lot of games - many of them are poor - but this may be the first time I truly regret of playing.
BTW Two previous parts had pots full of gold and the third…
the larch.