Well, I'm not going to say I'm recovered, but what are you going todo. I'm still shellshocked, but it appears that the program recovered lot of what was deleted, except for the 5gig of email, but Ihad a backup on my laptop, but not that recent.
To those who had nothing to do with this, and who extended their thought and donation, I thankyou for your quick participation.
To the programmer, the only way to learn is to make mistakes, but it migt be wise in the future to "measure twice and cut once" when it comes to file operations on the user's computer. Leason learned. And for me too-- except I dont know what my lesson is: dont trust open source software?
thanks again for the people trying to help. it was timely, the help, to be sure.
Your words are well spoken, and I thank you for them.
Markham and I spoke for hours last-night, and he is absolutely heart sick with the damage this has caused.
I have found that Markham strives for excellence in his programming, and he finds this incident inexcusable of himself.
I can honestly say that none of us can be harder on him than he is on himself right now!
That being said: A correction has already been instituted for the next release.
So the lessons:
Oh my God...what have I, we, all learned
For my part; I must endeavor to test further faster and ensure better documentation. I had not even tested the Portable version from beginning to end, and there are still things I do not know. Better documentation is a must and the public will have it!
For Markham: He knows what he has done.
I am grateful that he is made of good intestinal fortitude and did not run, and is moving forward.
He has instantly coded a correction, and is immediately retesting everything amongst the test group he has developed.
Will something like this never happen again? I could lie and say sure, but that is not the truth. There are things hidden and buggy even in larger company software (ie Internet Explorer, Adobe Flash, Firefox, Norton's Anti-virus, etc). Programming has advanced so far so fast, that it is not a perfect science.
I say this from experience and no direct experience, as I am no programmer.
I will say we will do everything in our power to ensure the integrity and security of Circle Dock, and make every effort to ensure that this will not happen again!
For yourself: The lesson has to be derived for yourself.
I can tell you
I will be backing up my own data more often
Mouser spoke best when he said:
i know that no amount of saying sorry or sympathy is going to do much to ease your pain.
What you have suffered is devastating in an extreme, and even now I am kicking myself.
When it happened to me, I got lucky and recovered almost all my data from a combination Hard/soft crash, but I know this is not your case.
I dont know what my lesson is: dont trust open source software?
Please do not even think this.
Open Source and free software is what I eat and drink. For someone like me, that is unable to afford even mid-level software, it is my bread and butter. I could give you at least 40 programs, by name, in my system off the top of my head, and I am sure I have well over 60.
I am a walking encyclopaedia of free software
I have at one point or another had an issue with many of them, and yes one of them is what caused the aforementioned Hard Drive loss.
Even for the loss of the information, and the retrieval, and all the heart break and frustration; I still use that product and am loyal to that product.
Open Source, freeware,, and donation ware has the advantage that they are made because folks like Markham want to make them, and want to deliver a better product than you could pay for. We are driven by a want to deliver success, not by the dollar in our pocket book.
Many folks that program in this arena are broke, and are on their own, and have little or no support at all, unlike large corps that have 100's of people working a program, so development is slow, and sometimes...well you just experienced it
Do not Drop open source programs because of a bad experience from one. That one is not an example of the majority.
I am ashamed that your bad experience is with Circle Dock,. but I still believe in the product, even for this set back, we will improve.
I hope that you will extend your patience to us, and try the next version, and the versions after that.
Because of
you; Circle Dock just got better!I am asking you to continue to help us make Circle Dock even better
I would also let you know that you have joined a fine community that is far more extensive than many realize.
Please stay, look around, and if you have questions, there are literally thousands of members standing by to help with Software, Technical information, and any other questions that strike you.
Welcome to DonationCoder.com
I am glad you came
The Sarge