I have been going over all the advancements of CD, and I am speechless.
I must say I am humbled by the extraordinary changes I am seeing.
For showing how unlimited and simple this program can be
Thank you so much
I am can not imagine all you have done and gone through to get CD where it is now in less than 6 months
So Makham-Sempai
On to the next level if you are so inclined (???)
This list is excellent, and truly expands on CD's capabilities.
I am going to make the following suggestions to add to this list, or capabilities that should be looked into for some of these options:
The Recycle BinThis currently shows Just the Icon of and "Empty Bin"
Would it be possible to add the ability to show when the The Recycling Bin is "Full"???
Typically this requires 2 different Icons
Of course there is also teh custom Icon situation to consider as well.
May need to wait till we can add addons to obtain this functionality (???)There are OD and RD add ons that do this, but am unaware if an addon is required.
More Power OptionsCurrently The following is listed:
Log Off
Restart Computer
Can we add to this list?
Switch User
Power off monitor
Lock Down
Now I can utilize NirCmd as a third party addon and do most of the above requested.
Is NirCmd a better option for this???
Or is integration from the "special" menu Possible?
LibrariesA lot is not known or understood about these, and they are only applicable to Windows 7
Is there a way to add these???
I am currently looking for a shortcut solution, and this may satisfy this request...SO I shall keep you posted.Apparently Shortcuts can be made to desktop and then D&D'ed to CD
NirCmd as a third party Solution/Add On (Your Thoughts?)I have been toying with the concept of adding a forum post of NirCmd as a Third party add on.
This can be utilized to fill in gaps, that CD should not be concerned about directly.
Things such as:
CD Drawer Open close
Command line strings (By user desire)
Volume Up and Down
And so much little petty things that should not be included to the core software.
It is small, portable (by choice) and non-volatile (as long as it is not installed to the windows directory)
And not to mention how easy it would be for the average user to create small end commands
There are some draw back...But I can better explain in a full post.
If it flies...I would add to the wikidot site as well
I am already using it
More to come...I am sure
As you need anything, you let me know and I will track it down...Ifit is in my ability to do so!!!