SC 2.09.03
OK i know i make heavy Test ;-)
Just FYI:
An shot of a very long side GreenBrowser (IE Frontend)
takes 500MB and some minutes to finish.
(i have an five year old ATA system, but 768 MB RAM)
Just FYI
Iam offline with an PHP generated side in IE... and SC can't scrapture (scroll capture) the side.
OK, back online, SC
can scrapture this side too :-D
mouser wrote:
wrt shift+rightcontrol, should already work,
just hold shift and press rightcontrol to trigger.
Really ?
Seams not to work for me.
("rightcontrol" is the right Ctrl-key ?)
Ctrl+RMB works for capture menu.
Ctrl+LMB works for to trigger the capture.
But not Shift+RightCtrl
Smt the ESC for to abort did not work,
and clicking on the capture menu have no effect.
I have to click around and press ESC often.
The very next time it
works again as it should without problem.
- Iam playing around to capture an drop-down menu as object.
- One time i had success and captured an menu.
- The second time, SC brings an error message in the back ground
"Error savin file *."- But the picture is already saved as i see in win explorer.
- Rename the picture give an new ØkB file with the new name.
- Bad too, that this error message apears in the back ground (not visible) only(or most).
- Try to close SC brings this message in the foreground.
- Too bad, i can't work anymore with SC, i have to kill it.
The third time i can capture menu as well again.
TIP: if you don't want highlighted menu items, just click on an separator line.
This didn't work with "Capture now" from capture menu, but with Ctrl+LMB