01:47 <@mouser> GO FOR IT!
01:47 < Gothi[c]> ok
01:48 < Gothi[c]> it's rebooting
01:52 < Gothi[c]> it's back up
01:53 < Gothi[c]> all seems to be working
01:53 <@mouser> that was quick
01:53 < Gothi[c]> it's just a reboot..
01:53 < Gothi[c]> i already did all upgrades
01:53 <@mouser> license key generation still works
01:53 < Gothi[c]> but it needed a reboot for udev and pam
01:54 <@mouser> forum seems to work
01:54 < Gothi[c]> check if email works
01:54 <@mouser> good idea
01:55 <@mouser> doing some forum maintenance while we are offline
01:55 < Gothi[c]> ok but if you break anything, don't blame me
(a few minutes later)
02:01 <@mouser> oh fuck
02:01 <@mouser> i did it again
02:01 <@mouser> DAMN IT
02:02 <@mouser> not end of world but im going to have spammed admins again
02:02 <@mouser> FUCK
02:02 <@mouser> more sending thousands of emails
02:02 <@mouser> well know we know the email sending works
02:02 <@mouser> #%$&%&*(%##