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Author Topic: Need support for Circle Dock? Please read this first before posting  (Read 19419 times)


  • Honorary Member
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A number of users have been sending me - and Sarge ("SgtEVMcKay") - PMs (Personal Messages) requesting support. Unfortunately, due to other commitments, we're unable to provide a personalised service via email or PMs.

If you're unsure about how to use a feature, then you should consult the Help System which very probably will answer your question.

We operate a "peer-to-peer" support system which works like this. If you need support, or have a question about Circle Dock, please read this Forum to see if anyone else has already posted about the issue(s) you face.

If you can't find a topic in either the Help System or in this Forum that deals with your problem, then by all means post a message and you'll receive a response from either Sarge or myself - or even another, perhaps more experienced, user. To help us help you, please include as much detail in your message as you can about the issue(s) you face and include the following:

  • The version of Circle Dock you're using
  • Your Operating System version, type and Service Pack level (eg: "Windows Vista 64-bit, SP1")
  • The version of MS .Net Framework Circle Dock is using. This - and the information for the two preceding items - is given at the top of the "About" Tab in "Settings".
  • The nature of your problem - giving as much detail as possible; include screenshots if they will help illustrate the issue
  • If you're reporting a bug and it's reproducible, then please include the steps necessary to reproduce the problem

Thank you!

« Last Edit: January 18, 2010, 01:46 AM by Markham »