Early IObit Security 360 tests/reviews were less than flattering with many saying the resident protection was deficient. But considering the IObit name, I just kinda figured they would get it all sorted out after a few versions.
Look at the Tools section of IObit Security 360. Anybody who's ever used HijackThis will immediately notice IObit's Hijack Scan is remarkably similar. Likewise, IObit's Passive Defense is eerily similar to SpywareBlaster.
After Malwarebytes' allegations, it's now a valid question to ask if there is
any original component whatsoever in this IObit software. IObit better have good lawyers because this looks like a serious mess.
EDIT: btw I'm not rushing to judgment on this. I still have IObit Security 360 installed at this moment, and IObit is innocent until proven guilty. But it sure ain't lookin' good for the home team.