Sorry for the off-forum theme link. Should be obvious why I'm doing this. No, this is not my blog. (although I have blogged about it elsewhere)
Just posting it for the sake of spreading the information:
1. Send a letter of intent to donate to the PNRC
2. A letter of acceptance from PNRC shall be sent back to the donor
3. Immediately after shipping the goods, please send the (a) original Deed of Donation, (b) copy of packing list and (c) original Airway Bill for air shipments or Bill of Lading for sea shipments to The Philippine National Red Cross–National Headquarters c/o Secretary General Corazon Alma de Leon, Bonifacio Drive, Port Area, Manila 2803, Philippines.
FOR THOSE OUTSIDE THE COUNTRY WHO WANT TO DONATE has set up a paypal account for donations. Your money will be forwarded to Red Cross.
Kapuso Foundation is also accepting credit card donations. Kapuso Foundation site
Please look at this list and this page too.
Most urgent needs
Food items: Rice, noodles, canned goods, sugar, iodized salt, cooking oil, monggo beans and potable water
Medicines: Paracetamol, antibiotics, analgesic, oral rehydration salts, multivitamins and medications to treat diarrheal diseases
Non-food items: Bath soaps, face towels, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, plastic mats, blankets, mosquito nets, jerry cans, water containers, water purification tablets, plastic sheetings, and Laundry soap
There are more local information where to donate in the page but I think enough Filipinos are already spreading the information so I just narrowed down the international ones.
For a preview of how bad the typhoon was, see: