So far I am liking RSSOwl compared to FeedDemon. It is small, feels light-weight and works nicely.
My observations/notes on RSSOwl:
- Customizable keyboard shortcuts is a good feature.
(To add a) New Feed: Default is Ctrl+D with scope set to "In Windows"
I changed it to Ctrl+N and 'In RSSOwl'
'Mark All Read' seems confusing at first. It means mark all the current feed items as read and NOT all feeds as read. The default is Ctrl+Shift+C and 'In Windows'. I changed it to Ctrl+R and 'In RSSOwl'.
To update current feed: Ctrl+U
To update all feeds Ctrl+Shift+U.
To assign label (i.e., tagging) to a feed item: Ctrl+L
- By default each feed opens in a new tab. This makes no sense. To disable this, View -> Layout -> (deselect) Tabbed Browsing.
- By default 'Show All News' is set. I find it better to change it to 'Unread News'. This is a one time setting change and thankfully applies to all the feeds.
- By default feeds don't update when the program is started. Not good. Go to Prefs, Feeds -> (tick) Automatically update feeds on start-up.
- One nice feature is to be able to select the feeds to be notified of.
@Shades: I did modify the PATH variable to reflect the path to latest version's bin folder before using JavaRa.