I run a medical billing program on Vista Home Pre that has a form template that we fill out, print, and save. When i loaded the program it wouldn't let me registar (MS registration cannot create file c:\rrr.txt. ), i could restore the backed up information but i couldn't make new forms print or save. I changed the properties to run as admin and it let me registar. Now the program runs normally I fill out the form, print and save, but when i fill out the second form and try to print i get an (Access violation @ address 0040456E in module 'justthcfa.exe' Read of address F685D88B) it won't print, but it does save the information. Their tech support said that I needed to up grade to Vista Ultimate, but the computer guy that helped me install it the first time changed the permissions/moved a file ?????? I dont know what he did and he wont return my calls??? Any ideas?
and really what ever i did to make my computer guy not return my calls, I AM SO SORRY!