I took a look today at my LBC directory and was dismayed to find it filled with backup files, often more than one per day. On one day, there were six for LaunchBarCommander alone! I see that you've made some change to the frequency with which backups are made, but I'm finding this really excessive. How can I stop all these backup files from accumulating? I don't mind having the most recent backup files, but I don't want my directory cluttered with all these older ones. And no, I don't want them simply moved elsewhere. I appreciate backups, but I really don't think I need more than the most recent, or at most the backups from the most recent date. I'm running version 1.105.02, simply because I saw no need to upgrade. I'd be happy to upgrade if that would cure the backup accumulation. Will it?
EDIT: I just noticed something else strange. My file containing all my nodes and the like (I think) is called launch1.mcf. The most recent launch1.mcf file is dated 6-29-09, but there are 4 backup files for launch1.mcf that are more recent--2 from 6-30 and two from 7-01. I don't understand why this is so. I'm also a little concerned, since I think I may have updated launch1.mcf yesterday, but the file is dated 6-29. I'm not SURE I updated it yesterday rather than the day before, but I kinda think so.
Sorry to raise more problems. Thanks as always for this wonderful program and for your help.