That and they no longer show really good sci-fi.
When they show sci-fi at all.

Last night SyFy channel was running an hour of "pro" wrestling on my DirectTV box.
Looking at the program schedule, it appears that
ECW Smash-Ups is going to be a regular feature every Tuesday @ 10:00pm going forward. Oh least it was a hour's respite from the rest of the day, which consisted of 11 hours worth of:
Scare Tactics Repackaged; Scare Tactics Repackaged S1; Scare Tactics Season 3.5; and Scare Tactics Season 3.
(Though Battlestar Galactica is one of the best TV shows you will *ever* watch...even if you hated the original version or even if you hate science fiction.)
It wasn't bad even if I never became much of a fan. But IMHO anything would have been an improvement over the original series.
But for military-themed space opera, I'd still have to give the nod to
Space: Above and Beyond. Clips are up on YouTube if anybody's interested.