However I am still watching for your new app as soon as you have anything available for testing. 
I'm trying not to feel under pressure

but in terms of what you're wanting (and my hopes too infact):
- Add contacts with ability to add details, like spouse, children, birthdays, anniversaries, etc.
I was going to have relationships that could be exported in
xfn format. Birthdays and anniversaries are fields.
- Able to add notes and if possible, links to associated files.
Notes are a field. Associated files: hadn't got to that, but that's a good idea and probably just extends the links area.
- Ability to slice and dice the data in many ways.
Not sure what you're thinking of here, but I'm wondering if export to excel/access would work?
- This one I have had difficulty finding: Ability to print the address book without having to print them as a series of separate cards.
There are three parts to this project: the application, a FARR plugin and HTML exports (I was thinking here that I'd put them on a password protected directory, or USB drive, etc). The HTML will be based on xml, so getting a print view would be pretty easy in fact...
Anyway, this is maybe a discussion that should be happening over in the
NANY2011 thread