I don't mind the top right location and the general way they work ...
- What would be cool is if a variable is only visible when a specific box is checked, that it be hidden/added to the var list depending on whether or not the box is checked.
- Also, variable which could have several 'fields' associated to them. For instance. When you select say 'Partner' ... the letter could say ... "Welcome as a PARTNER COMPANY" ... and later in the letter ... "as a PARTNER, your default password is PARTNER-123. So, by selecting Partner, it populate 3 different fields, which contacin specific information for 'partners"
- Drop down menu ... sometimes variables are a list of say 5 softwares
- Not sure it is possible for either the standalone or web version, but it would be great if email fields could be used in TFLM ... To say "Hi %NAME% ... is a pain in the ass if you need to add the name every time ... if some fields could be somewhat populated from outlook (using a macro), it would be great. That way all the fields like %NAME%, %SENT DATE% and %EMAIL_ADDRESS% would be filled. Could running a macro in Outlook dump that information in a temp file which could be read by TFLM ?