Hello all:
I've got another one for ya guys:
I ran across this freeware program
FreeMeter. I don't really remember where I found it, but I guess that's trivial. What my question is, is that upon going through the installation I get a strange message that needs attention prior to running the install. I have attached the window in question, so you can see it for yourself. I just want to know if this something that I should steer clear of, or if it's a 'no big deal' sort of thing.
As usual, any help/input/suggestions are very much appreciated!
BTW, I've mentioned here that due to my financial issues from being on disability has thwarted my desire to throw some cash donations your way. Good news has come around: due to the market my new lease has lowered my rent by $60 starting in July! In my world, and in Tulsa in general, this is a very good thing. That leaves me with some money to spend on non-essentials each month. I plan to donate to DC when the rent lowers! You guys have gone above and beyond the 'call of duty', and have been more than accommodating. I very much want to give something back. Anyway, that was totally off-topic, but I wanted to throw that out there.