we all have same display, it's just that i somehow remembered that the unread count was on same line as total messages count. i knew that what you were asking for was already shown, just misremembered exactly in what form.
but i take it that now that you see this you aren't asking for any new feature?
@Stoic Joker....
I would appreciate it if each of you would just pop me a couple of test PMs (I will not bother you with any replies unless requested), before I sign-off on Mouser's question.
I have been giving it some more thought, but I need to see the feature again. If it works out that way I am thinking, *I* would prefer it the way I think I remember seeing yesterday (sorry, memory is a fading commodity
). I think I recall the location where the "... and XX new messages." showed up actually served as a better flag than my original request IMHO, but this may not fulfill Stoic Joker and wreckedcarzz's's needs.
I will return to comment further once I get a look-see.
Thanks for the help!