I think the anti-leech script confuses urlsnoop...but if you open the page with embedded clip (view source)
look for the like that has the hotlink stuff ,uh,lets see if i can give an example(i have no ideal what this clip
is,if it's bad Mod please remove)Say you you click on the wants my job clip....forward to embedded clip...now
view source and and cut in past the first clip(skip rateit.php?video=wants-my-job.wmv)into your favorite
download manager.Remember when running into streaming media not all download managers our the same.
http://www.filecabi....)sj/wants-my-job.wmv (DL THIS)
http://www.filecabi....deo=wants-my-job.wmv (Not This)
Hope this helped i actually did this with URLSNOOPER and Nettransport and it worked.