Hi Folks,
Frames are a bit of a mess to the user. Often you don't get a specific link for a page, bookmarking becomes difficult. Often too much real estate is taken up, the page is hard to read, maybe you have to go back and forth to F11 mode. And sometimes they try to keep control when you click a URL to other sites (about.com uses that trick a lot, one reason I avoid their reviews).
Yet perhaps they sometimes have redeeming browsing value.
Here is an example from an otherwise quite excellent site. I'm not sure if these are technically "frames" - the webdev folks can give us the nuances.
http://www.neatnettricks.com/Neat Net Tricks
Note that if you click "Software Reviews" your address bar remains unchanged. On the other hand you can put in:
http://www.neatnettr...reReviews/splash.htmSoftware Reviews
And get directly to the Software Reviews page. (Yet it is still ugly-small.) I'm not sure how you are supposed to get to that bookmark originally.
So what are the solutions ? (Some web-sites give you a "No-Frames" option, so that is a solution when available.)
Well sometimes you can google-search some text on a page, and lo-and-behold, you can find the URL to the same page in full-screen no-hassle mode. Ah, so much better, maybe I can find an example of that later.
Can you just put in a Firefox-Opera setting ?
Can you use NoScript with the frame stuff checked ?
Is there another way ?
And if so, can you turn it on/off for a website ?
How do you accomplish all this ?
Steven Avery